Frequently Asked Questions

How do I distribute GMG (Give Members Gold) months and years I’ve previously purchased?

That is done from the SingSnap Store, to open the store click on the SingSnap Store tab at the top of the site. Once you’re in the store click on the Distribute section in the upper left of the page. Any GMGs you have to distribute will be listed with a Give This One button to click on and distribute the Gold.

Posted by: Rob Last update: 2020-11-28 12:24:41

How do I Edit, Remix or Delete a recording?

You can edit or remix recordings from the My Recordings page. Click on the three line menu in the upper right of the site then click on My Recordings. Once you're on the My Recordings page click on the three dot menu for the recording you want to edit, remix or delete and you'll see the options in the menu.

Posted by: Rob Last update: 2020-11-28 11:50:29

Can I add themes to my profile and recording pages?

This isn’t possible yet, but we are planning to add customization options in the future. These options won’t include full page backgrounds, but will allow for color and other customization.

Posted by: Rob Last update: 2020-11-28 13:09:15

Why can’t I get my recordings to sync?

Learning the sync system can take some practice. Each sync value is 1 millisecond, so it’s a very small adjustment. This allows for very fine control of sync, but it does mean it will take some time to find your general sync range. We recommend starting off by going -25 to -50 at a time until you get close then you can adjust in smaller increments until you find the sync. Many people will have a sync of -150 or greater. It’s very rare for sync to be in the positive values.

Posted by: Rob Last update: 2020-11-28 11:51:35

How do I save my recording after reviewing it?

After you review and adjust the mix of your recording you'll see a "Next" button in the upper right of the recorder page. When you click on the Next button you'll be able to finish the saving process, including choosing the privacy option you'd like.

Posted by: Rob Last update: 2020-11-28 12:24:56

How do I search for a song to sing?

Access the universal search by clicking on the magnifying glass icon located in the upper right corner of the site. The search is broken down into three types of searches. You can search under Sing (to find songs to record), Listen (to find recordings to listen to) or Tags (to find songs tagged with a specific keyword).

Posted by: Rob Last update: 2020-11-28 11:47:39

Why does the review stop each time I adjust the sync?

To achieve the most accurate preview possible the review player needs to restart after each sync change. You can click on the sync button multiple times to apply larger values at once. You do not need to start playback after each individual press of the sync buttons. To help make syncing easier you can use the spacebar of your keyboard to start playback after a sync change.

Posted by: Rob Last update: 2020-11-28 11:54:27

Why am I seeing a "We were unable to log you in, please make sure your username and password are correct!" error when I try to login?

If you see a login error it could be password related. Resetting your password on the legacy website will normally correct this issue. You can use the same password if you'd like. The update action will force the change on the new system and you should then be able to login. Update Password Here:

Posted by: FedTest Last update: 2020-12-02 12:34:41

Where are my Private Messages?

You can access your private messages from the upper right of the site by clicking on the envelope icon.

Posted by: Rob Last update: 2020-11-28 11:51:12

Where is SingSnap Legacy?

You can still use SingSnap via the legacy site by clicking on the "Back to Legacy" link located in the footer at the bottom of every page. Alternatively, you can just click here!

Posted by: Novella Last update: 2020-11-30 18:37:30
